Results for 'Juan José G. Meilán'

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  1.  32
    Ten Years of Research on Automatic Voice and Speech Analysis of People With Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review Article.Israel Martínez-Nicolás, Thide E. Llorente, Francisco Martínez-Sánchez & Juan José G. Meilán - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The field of voice and speech analysis has become increasingly popular over the last 10 years, and articles on its use in detecting neurodegenerative diseases have proliferated. Many studies have identified characteristic speech features that can be used to draw an accurate distinction between healthy aging among older people and those with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Speech analysis has been singled out as a cost-effective and reliable method for detecting the presence of both conditions. In this research, (...)
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    Tecnologías emergentes para la conservación de alimentos sin calor.Juan José Fernández Molina, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas & Barry G. Swanson - 2001 - Arbor 168 (661):155-170.
    Se han investigado los principios básicos de tres tecnologías emergentes para pasteurizar y esterilizar alimentos sin empleo del calor Mediante numerosos estudios se ha comprobado la efectividad de los campos eléctricos pulsantes de alta intensidad (CEPAI), los pulsos de luz (PL) y los campos magnéticos oscilantes (CMO) en la destrucción de microorganismos y enzimas de sistemas alimentarios. En la inactivación microbiana por CEPA!, el blanco principal es la membrana celular que, al ser sometida a campos eléctricos de alta intensidad, se (...)
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    ¿Hegel en kosovo? Reflexiones sobre la independencia de kosovo.Juan José Jiménez Sánchez - 2008 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 42:31-55.
    This text considers the results of the western powers’ recognition of Kososvo’s independence from three perspectives: firstly, the possible consequences (of which what is happening in Georgia already gives us some proof) of this independence proclaimed and recognised outside the provisions of international law, and which can be considered a precedent in other territories with similar problems; secondly, it proposes, following Hegel, a rational conception of the state, far removed from ideas of ethnicity based on race, language, and so on, (...)
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    Steinbock, Anthony J. No se trata del don. De la donación al amor. Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme, 2023, 189 pp. Edición a cargo de Hernán G. Inverso. [REVIEW]Juan José Álvarez Rubio - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 20:591-598.
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  5. La coherencia entre lo que saben de ti y lo que ven en tu rostro afecta a la valoración de tu personalidad.Ciencia Cognitiva - forthcoming - Ciencia Cognitiva.
    Fernando Gordillo, Lilia Mestas, José M. Arana, Juan José G. Meilán, Miguel A. Pérez … Read More →.
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    Yo y tiempo: la antropología filosófica de G.W.F. Hegel.Ignacio Falgueras, García González, A. Juan & Juan José Padial (eds.) - 2010 - Málaga, Spain: Universidad de Málaga.
    v.1. La sustancialidad y subjetividad humanas -- v. 2. La temporalidad humana.
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    Predecessors Existence Problems and Gardens of Eden in Sequential Dynamical Systems.Juan A. Aledo, Luis G. Diaz, Silvia Martinez & Jose C. Valverde - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
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    Sobre la lógica de las lagunas en el derecho.José Juan Moreso, Pablo E. Navarro & María Cristina Redondo - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):47-73.
    En "Legal Reasons, Sources and Gaps", Raz señala que las lagunas jurídicas existen sólo cuando el derecho habla con voz incierta o cuando habla con muchas voces, pero que no hay lagunas cuando el derecho guarda silencio. En este último caso habría reglas de clausura, analíticamente verdaderas, que impiden la ocurrencia de esas lagunas. Según Raz, si hay una laguna en un sistema jurídico, entonces no es verdadero ni falso que exista una razón concluyente para ejecutar cierta acción. Así, una (...)
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    Sound symbolic associations in Spanish emotional words: affective dimensions and discrete emotions.Rocío Calvillo-Torres, Juan Haro, Pilar Ferré, Claudia Poch & José A. Hinojosa - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Sound symbolism refers to non-arbitrary associations between word forms and meaning, such as those observed for some properties of sounds and size or shape. Recent evidence suggests that these connections extend to emotional concepts. Here we investigated two types of non-arbitrary relationships. Study 1 examined whether iconicity scores (i.e. resemblance-based mapping between aspects of a word’s form and its meaning) for words can be predicted from ratings in the affective dimensions of valence and arousal and/or the discrete emotions of happiness, (...)
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  10. Libertad de expresión y "libertad cómica" - Free speech and "comical liberty".Jose Gonzalez - 2007 - Dikaiosyne 18 (10):23-42.
    SUMARIO Artículos ¿Por qué democracia? Referencia a los derechos humanos y a la ciudadanía. Why democracy? Reference to human rights and citizenship. Bozo de Carmona, Ana Julia Libertad de expresión y "libertad cómica". Free speech and "comical liberty".Calvo González, José La justicia según J. Finnis. Justice according to John Finnis. Hocevar G., Mayda G. El lenguaje sagrado y su escritura. The sacred language and its writing. Lizaola, Julieta Del carácter coactivo de la μετηνεστασζ en Tucídides. On cornening to compelling (...)
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  11.  20
    Finite Freedom and its split from the Absolute in Schelling’s Bruno.Juan José Rodríguez - 2024 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 66 (2):93-115.
    The dialogue Bruno of 1802 is arguably the natural starting point for any investigation on the concepts of finitude, evil and human freedom in Schelling’s middle metaphysics. In this dialogue the author elaborates for the first time in his system a concept of freedom and independence of the finite, which extends via his reformulation in Philosophy and Religion of 1804 to the Freedom Essay of 1809 and beyond to the works of 1810 and 1811 – Stuttgart Private Lectures and The (...)
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  12.  16
    Double Thesis on the Finite and the Beginning of Existentialism in Schelling’s Dialogue Bruno (1802).Juan Jose Rodriguez - 2023 - International Philosophical Quarterly 63 (4):435-451.
    In his work Bruno, Schelling elaborates for the first time a concept of freedom and independence of the finite that extends through his reformulation in Philosophy and Religion of 1804, to the Freedom Essay of 1809 and beyond to the works of 1810 and 1811—Stuttgart Private Lectures and The Ages of the World. The question we will address in this article—taking a necessary detour through Bruno themes—concerns the status of the finite as such and how it is at all possible (...)
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  13. Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco. "In memoriam".Juan José de LeÓn Lastra - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (445):435-444.
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    La pregunta por el quién del ser-con: Heidegger en su Ser y Tiempo.Juan José Garrido Periñán - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):175-200.
    Se trata de pensar y abrir el horizonte del ser-con desde los análisis fenomenológicos vertidospor Heidegger en la I Sección de su libro Ser y Tiempo, respetando y aceptando sus propiaslimitaciones intrínsecas y a pesar del carácter aparentemente negativo que rodea a este existenciario,a fin de radicalizarlo, extenderlo y ubicarlo en su posibilidad más genuina. Por esta razón, a través deuna interpretación de corte fenomenológico, se ha querido potenciar los posibles rendimientos de unser-con en propiedad, enfatizando la necesidad de interpretar (...)
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  15.  31
    Hegel’s vanity. Schelling’s early critique of absolute idealism.Juan José Rodríguez - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (1):1-17.
    In this article, we present for the first time Schelling’s early critique of absolute idealism within his middle metaphysics (1804–1820), which has great relevance and influence on the subsequent course of German philosophy, and, more broadly considered, on later systematic thinking about the categories of unity and duality. We aim to show how Schelling defends a form of metaphysical duality, from 1804 onwards, without relapsing into a stronger Kantian dualism. In this sense, our author rejects both the dualism between nature (...)
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  16.  57
    Identification with characters and narrative persuasion through fictional feature films.Juan-José Igartua - 2010 - Communications 35 (4):347-373.
    This article presents three studies examining the importance of identification with characters in research on media entertainment. In Study 1 it was found that identification with characters was associated with spectators' degree of enjoyment of feature films of different genres. Study 2 showed that identification with characters predicts the affective impact of a dramatic film and, also, it was associated with greater cognitive elaboration and a more complex reflexive process during the viewing of the dramatic film. In Study 3 it (...)
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  17.  24
    Caminos y esbozos para una apertura fenomenológica del horizonte mismidad desde la constitución del mundo en ser y tiempo de Heidegger.Juan José Garrido Periñán - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):269-294.
    Resumen El objetivo principal del artículo es terminar quién es el Dasein desde el aparecer del mundo en la obra de Martin Heidegger Ser y tiempo. Para ello, se plantea la posibilidad de aprehensión del horizonte del sí mismo del Dasein, en contra de los propios análisis heideggerianos sobre el uno, y, también, se muestra de qué manera la mismidad del Dasein se presupone ya en el modo de aparición del mundo-entorno a través del existenciario significatividad. La conclusión del artículo (...)
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  18. Obras filosóficas y científicas, de Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Vol. 14: Correspondencia I, de Juan Antonio Nicolás Marín y María Ramón Cubells (eds.).Juan José Acero Fernández - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):147-151.
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    El Asedio a la Modernidad: Crítica Del Relativismo Cultural.Juan José Sebreli - 2013 - Debate.
    Hay en la obra de Juan José Sebreli, más allá de la diversidad de los temas, una sorprendente continuidad. En esta obra, ambiciosa y de madura reflexión, Sebreli encara la síntesis de los problemas que lo han obsesionado desde los años 60. Los analiza ahora desde una perspectiva originalísima, a la que contribuyen sin duda los cambios experimentados por el mundo y por él mismo. El asedio a la modernidad, publicada en Argentina en 1991 y totalmente revisada para (...)
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  20.  44
    Introducción a la filosofía del lenguaje.Juan José Acero, Eduardo Bustos & Daniel Quesada - 1982 - Catedra Ediciones.
    Este libro está dirigido a quien desee familiarizarse con los problemas clásicos y contemporáneos de la ética. Pero también está escrito desde un punto de vista y refleja una posición personal de l autora en torno a esta disciplina. En este libro se encontrarán nociones sobre un saber sistematizado que constituye el corazón de los conocimientos filosóficos. Pero en cuanto que la ética nos muestra esa pequeña pero poderosa arma que constituye la voluntad de transformación, liberación y cambio del ser (...)
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  21. El método de la metafísica: la propuesta de Leonardo Polo.Juan Jose Sanguineti - 2015 - In María Elvira Martínez Acuña, El abandono del límite mental. Universidad de la Sabana. pp. 41-58.
    This paper regards Leonardo Polo’s motivation for his proposal of a new method in metaphysics, the science of being. It is presented a brief comparison with similar motivations in the area of Thomistic thought. The three main points of the proposal are: the problem of the mental limit, the notion of habitual knowledge, the distinction between metaphysics and the transcendental anthropology.
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  22.  29
    Vida, natalidad y libertad en Hannah Arendt: Objeciones a ciertas lecturas biopolíticas del pensamiento arendtiano.Juan José Fuentes - 2011 - Isegoría 44:239-255.
    Este trabajo analiza ciertas controversias en torno a las interpretaciones biopolíticas de Arendt. Recientemente, algunos de sus comentaristas han enfatizado las nuevas perspectivas teóricas que ciertos conceptos claves de Arendt («Natalidad», «Libertad», «Poder», «Vida») podrían ofrecer desde el paradigma biopolítico. Sin embargo, estas reinterpretaciones no parecen ser fieles al fundamento original de tales conceptos —la fenomenología—. Intentaré mostrar aquí que es necesario: a) precisar la viabilidad de estas interpretaciones; b) calibrar su alcance; y c) hacer visible el riesgo de operar (...)
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  23.  62
    Research into Quality Management and Social Responsibility.Juan José Tarí - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (4):623-638.
    This article presents a systematic literature review on quality management and social responsibility (focusing on ethical and social issues). It uses the literature review to identify the parallels between quality management and social responsibility, the extent to which qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods are used, the countries that have contributed most to this area, and how the most common quality management practices facilitate social responsibility. The literature review covers articles about quality management and social responsibility (focusing on ethical and social (...)
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  24.  18
    Historia e Historicidad En X. Zubiri.Juan José Garrido Zaragozá - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 7:139-165.
    En el presente ensayo se estudia el tema de la historia y la historicidad en los escritos de la primera etapa (etapa ontológica) del pensamiento de X. Zubiri. Siguiendo las sugerencias de sus maestros Ortega y Gasset y Heidegger, Zubiri aborda esta problemática desde la perspectiva de la reforma del ser, pero ya en este momento apunta una orientación propia que culminará en la etapa de madurez. Frente a la concepción antigua de la historia, la que se hizo presente a (...)
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  25. Trends in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Neuroscience.Juan José Sanguineti - 2015 - In P. A. Gargiulo H. L. Mesones, Psychiatry and Neuroscience. Bridging the Divide. Springer. pp. 23-37.
    This paper presents current trends in philosophy of mind and philosophy of neuroscience, with a special focus on neuroscientists dealing with some topics usually discussed by philosophers of mind. The aim is to detect the philosophical views of those scientists, such as Eccles, Gazzaniga, Damasio, Changeux, and others, which are not easy to classify according to the standard divisions of dualism, functionalism, emergentism, and others. As the variety of opinions in these fields is sometimes a source of confusion, it is (...)
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  26. El conocimiento humano: una perspectiva filosófica.Juan José Sanguineti - 2005 - Madrid: Ediciones Palabra.
    Espléndido manual de teoría del conocimiento en el que se abordan todos los temas clásicos desde una perspectiva renovadora.
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  27.  32
    La teoría de la percepción en la Filosofía del Entendimiento de Andrés Bello.Juan José Rosales Sánchez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):127-145.
    Este artículo estudia, desde un punto de vista analítico, la teoría de la percepción que AndrésBello presenta en su Filosofía del Entendimiento. El objetivo central consiste en elucidar cuáles sonlos elementos que componen y estructuran el proceso de la percepción. En este sentido, se procedemediante el análisis de los capítulos y los apéndices relacionados con los temas de la percepción, quecorresponden con la primera parte denominada, “Psicolojía mental”. De conformidad con lo anterior,se analizan las nociones de alma o espíritu, conciencia, (...)
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  28. (1 other version)La cogitativa en Cornelio Fabro. Para una filosofía no dualista de la percepción.Juan Jose Sanguineti - 2014 - Studium. Filosofía y Teología (34):437-458.
    This paper considers the relevance of the theory of the cogitative power in Aquinas, as highlighted by Cornelio Fabro during his early research in the fourth decade of the past century, in contemporary neuropsychological studies, and particularly as a specific way of overcoming a dualistic approach in the psychology of perception. The thesis is coherent with an anthropological view based on the substantial unity between soul and body. As a consequence, the capacities of the cogitative faculty (estimative in animals) involve (...)
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  29. El ser eterno en Emanuele Severino. Estudio crítico a la luz de la filosofía de Leonardo Polo.Juan José Sanguineti - 2003 - Studia Poliana 5:167-198.
    Este artículo compara el supuesto 'neoparmenidismo' de la filosofía de Severino con Polo como filósofo 'antiparmenidiano'. Siguiendo la visión de Polo, puede dilucidarse el método fundamental seguido por Severino, que consiste en asumir la mismidad de Parménides y en proyectarla en la dialéctica de Hegel. Al usar el principio de no contradicción, Severino recurre preferentemente a la operación mental de negar.
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    La especie cognitiva en Tomás de Aquino.Juan José Sanguineti - 2011 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 40 (1):63-104.
    The article proposes to interpret the Thomistic notion of cognitive species and its relationship with the ‘mental word’ in terms of a pre-objective and pre-conscious mental background capable to become an objective thought and to be used in human rational behaviour. Some particular points about intentionality, sensitive perception and human consciousness will be considered in this study.
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  31. Fe religiosa y ciencias naturales. Pasado y presente.Juan Jose Sanguineti - 2015 - Estudios Filosóficos Polianos 2:6-19.
    The article presents the relationship between religious faith and natural sciences within a historical perspective. Three great periods are distinguished: classical, enjoying a substantial harmony between science and belief in God; modern period, characterized by a radical rationalism that can be seen as the root of the structural conflict between science and religion; contemporary phase, with the collapse of rationalism, notwithstanding the great prestige of natural science, often perceived within a secularist framework. It is argued that no objective reasons oppose (...)
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  32. El mundo como objeto de acción y teoría.Juan Jose Sanguineti - 2016 - Studia Poliana 18.
    Being-in-the-world defines in Heidegger an ontological and practical existential situation that in a first approach characterizes intellectual knowledge, an approach related to the Husserlian notion of intentionality. In his Curso de teoría del co- nocimiento, Polo rectifies this characterization, stressing the primacy of theory regarding action, and interpreting the practical (technical) relation- ship with the world as a lower level of “having”. Ma- king some comparisons between Husserl, Scheler and Jonas, in connection with Polo’s thought, the article presents different accounts (...)
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  33. El desafío antropológico de las neurociencias. Neurociencia, filosofía y teología.Juan José Sanguineti - 2015 - Rivista di Scienze dell'Educazione 53 (3):383-400.
    The author brings out three interpretations of the relationship between neuroscience, philosophy and theology. Then he presents the character of neuroscience in contrast with biology and psycholo- gy. Critical consideration is given to different currents of neuroscience on the central theme of the relationship brain-mind, soul-body and the reductionism of body alone. He opts for the Thomistic view which holds that the spiritual soul is essentially linked to the body, making it the identity of the human person. Finally, he analyses (...)
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  34. Libertad, determinación e indeterminación en una perspectiva tomista.Juan José Sanguineti - 2013 - Anuario Filosófico 46 (2):387-403.
    The Thomistic account of freedom as election and freedom as love of the transcendental good, which in its perfect achievement is indefectible, introduces a new and unexpected approach in relation to contemporary debates concerning compatibilism and incompatibilism between freedom and determinism. This article develops both aspects of freedom and tries to bring new light to the problem of defining and evaluating the concepts of determination and indeterminacy.
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  35. The Unity of Biological Systems in Polo's Philosophy.Juan Jose Sanguineti - 2015 - Journal of Polian Studies 2:87-108.
    Life as self-organization is philosophically understood by L. Polo in terms of co-causality between matter, formal configuration and intrinsic efficiency. This characterization provides a dynamic account of life and soul, capable to explain both its identity and its continuous renovation. In this article I especially highlight in this author the metaphysical notions of finality, unity and cosmos, which may be helpful to understand the sense of biological systems in the universe.
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  36. Santo Tomás y el pensamiento moderno según Cornelio Fabro.Juan José Sanguineti - 2011 - Sapientia 67 (229):289-296.
    The article describes how Cornelio Fabro views the history of Western Metaphysics in a partial agreement with Heidegger's account of the same topic.
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    Schelling’s Ontological Turn: Pronominal Being against Fichte’s Idealism of Absolute Reflection.Juan José Rodríguez - 2025 - Sophia 64 (1):21-35.
    This article explores Schelling's critique of Fichte's idealism in light of his evolving metaphysical framework, emphasizing his affirmation of the primacy of nature. By challenging Fichte's concept of being, Schelling underscores the importance of a realist position that asserts the unity of ideal and real, drawing on Hölderlin’s idea of Being as trans-reflexive. The first major theme examined is Schelling’s critique of the distinction between consciousness and its real content, which Fichte's system inadvertently promotes. Schelling counters this by advocating for (...)
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  38. La unidad y multiplicidad del universo.Juan José Sanguineti - 1979 - Anuario Filosófico 12 (2):135-170.
    The article studies the Thomistic view of the universe as a synthesis between unity and multiplicity, mediated through order. The metaphysical notion of multiplicity is related to the transcendental "unum". Even some account of multiplicity may belong to transcendentals. Notions of non-being and distinction are distingued.
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  39. The World as Object of Action and Theory.Juan José Sanguineti - 2016 - Studia Poliana 18:27-50.
    Abstract: Being-in-the-world defines in Heidegger an ontological and practical existential situation that in a first approach characterizes intellectual knowledge, an approach related to the Husserlian notion of intentionality. In his Curso de teoría del conocimiento, Polo rectifies this characterization, stressing the primacy of theory regarding action, and interpreting the practical (technical) relationship with the world as a lower level of “having”. Making some comparisons between Husserl, Scheler and Jonas, in connection with Polo’s thought, the article presents different accounts of the (...)
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  40. Ontology: minimalism and truth-conditions.Juan José Lara Peñaranda - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (3):683-696.
    In this paper, I develop a criticism to a method for metaontology, namely, the idea that a discourse’s or theory’s ontological commitments can be read off its sentences’ truth- conditions. Firstly, I will put forward this idea’s basis and, secondly, I will present the way Quine subscribed to it. However, I distinguish between two readings of Quine’s famous ontological criterion, and I center the focus on the one currently dubbed “ontological minimalism”, a kind of modern Ockhamism applied to the mentioned (...)
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  41. Underdetermination vs. Indeterminacy.Juan José Lara - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:219-228.
    Thomas Bonk has dedicated a book to analyzing the thesis of underdetermination of scientific theories, with a chapter exclusively devoted to the analysis of the relation between this idea and the indeterminacy of meaning. Both theses caused a revolution in the philosophic world in the sixties, generating a cascade of articles and doctoral theses. Agitation seems to have cooled down, but the point is still debated and it may be experiencing a renewed resurgence.
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  42. La filosofía en Colombia en el siglo XX: tres generaciones en busca de la normalización.Juan José Botero - 2009 - In Manuel Garrido, El legado filosófico español e hispanoamericano del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    Dynamic Assessment of Reading Difficulties: Predictive and Incremental Validity on Attitude toward Reading and the Use of Dialogue/Participation Strategies in Classroom Activities.Juan-José Navarro & Laura Lara - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:230315.
    Dynamic Assessment (DA) has been shown to have more predictive value than conventional tests for academic performance. However, in relation to reading difficulties, further research is needed to determine the predictive validity of DA for specific aspects of the different processes involved in reading and the differential validity of DA for different subgroups of students with an academic disadvantage. This paper analyzes the implementation of a DA device that evaluates processes involved in reading (EDPL) among 60 students with reading comprehension (...)
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  44. El yo como causa.Juan José Sanguineti - 2010 - Sapientia 66:23-39.
    This paper aims to explain how the human Self can be said a cause of his/her free actions, especially when they are voluntary and physical. First it is analyzed the natural causation in the physical world, particularly in self-organized living beings and afterwards in animal intentional behaviour, which is guided by cognition and emotions. An important distinction between downward causation and bottom-up causation is useful to explain the complex causality in self-organized intentional beings. Downward causation, coming from a higher level, (...)
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    The “Juncture” of Being: A New Assessment of the Schellingian Distinction between Ground and Existence.Juan José Rodríguez - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (3):244-261.
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  46. Tiempo.Juan Jose Sanguineti - 2015 - Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral.
    En esta voz se considera el tiempo como una dimensión de la realidad física que se manifiesta en la percepción de las cosas en su devenir y cuya realidad ontológica se apoya en las transformaciones naturales. Primeramente se afronta la temática del tiempo físico y sus características en una perspectiva filosófica. Se tocan cuestiones fundamentales como el estatuto ontológico del presente/pasado/futuro, la realidad o irrealidad del instante, la simultaneidad, la unidad y pluralidad de tiempos, la dirección temporal (flecha irreversible del (...)
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  47. Voz Universo. Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral.Juan Jose Sanguineti - 2015 - Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral.
    See Abstract in piece of paper uploaded.
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    The Case of Schelling’s Libertarian Anarchism. A Phenomenological Analysis of Insurmountability of the Particular Will in the Years 1809-1810.Juan José Rodríguez - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):457-478.
    This paper refers to the connection between the metaphysical duality of ground and existence and inner dynamic of the particular will of man. We will analyse how the metaphysical monism, which Schelling attributes to Spinoza and later to Hegel, is responsible for the abolition of the freedom of the human individual, because it does not account for the existence of evil, and consequently reduces it to the existence of a higher order reference system that over and predetermines the individual (1). (...)
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    El problema de la voluntad en H. Arendt:¿ un debate kantiano?Juan José Fuentes - 2007 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 41:77-90.
    El artículo analiza la relación de proximidad y distancia que existe entre los pensamientos de Hannah Arendt y de Inmanuel Kant. La idea de voluntad es la clave hermenéutica de dicha contrastación. Se intenta esclarecer cómo la indeterminación del estatuto teórico de la idea de voluntad en Arendt entraña un punto de inflexión en el examen de la conflictiva relación que Arendt establece con Kant: Tal controversia se refiere a los límites de la Razón Práctica. Finalmente, el análisis se centra (...)
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  50. Wittgenstein, la definición ostensiva y los límites del lenguaje.Juan José Acero - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):5-17.
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